Gang Garrison 2 Wiki

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The top information source about Gang Garrison 2 that anyone can edit.

80 articles since December 2009.

Gang Garrison

Originally conceived for the 2008 'Bootleg Demake' competition, Gang Garrison 2 is a free multiplayer 'demake' of Valve's Team Fortress 2 started by mrfredman and MedO with many developers later adding new features. With all 9 classes, many different TF2-inspired environments, and fast-paced, team-based, multiplayer gameplay represented, GG2 is the premier TF2 tribute/parody/alternative.

Gang Garrison 2 presents the player with 9 unique classes to use in frenetic, cooperative multiplayer action in a stylish and unique 8-bit style. Battle with your friends or others you encounter online through a whole range of vibrant maps; TF2 maps reimagined in 2D as well as a multitude of maps with all sorts of different looks and settings, all of which have been dreamed up and constructed by members of our community.

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Featured Article


<option>Gang Garrison 2 has 8 official maps in capture the flag and control point mode, truefort, 2dfort, conflict, classicwell, waterway, orange, dirtbowl, and egypt. Each map features unique game play opportunities and varied terrain. Custom maps are also supported for the game via the Garrison Builder. Read More...</option>

<option>The Rocketman, as graceful as he is powerful, an excellent medibuddy, and good for just going in and raping everything in sight. The Rocketman is quite possibly THE most broken class in the game, if played incorrectly, and even deadlier if played correctly. A good comparison to him would be the pyro in team fortress 2. The skill roof is ridiculously curved, unlike more skill based classes such as scout, spy, and sniper. Read More...</option>

<option>Red team must attack, while Blu must defend. The map has three stages and consists of 2 points to capture per stage. Once you've made it to the final point as red, have a few people hold off blu team while your team mates capture the point, since it takes a while. Read More...</option>

<option>Ammunition is a system in Gang Garrison 2, introduced with version 2.2. Unlike the 'true' ammo systems found in many shooter games, Gang Garrison uses a combination of infinite ammo with overheat and/or reload times. A player's current reserve is displayed in the lower-right corner of the HUD. Read More...</option>

<option>Runners are the fast and agile offensive class. Designed for capturing Intelligence and causing chaos among groups of enemies, he is the hit-and-run master. Armed with the powerful, close ranged Scattergun, it's possible to inflict heavy damage before using his speed to sprint away. A double jump is the Runner's specialty, allowing to launch himself through the air like a graceful bird, albeit with a gun. He can cap points twice as fast as others, and puts Intels on the express train to capture. Use your speed to surprise and ambush enemies, and always keep running. Read More...</option>

<option>The overweight is not the best at capping because of his slow speed. He's decent at defending the intel but an engineer is usually the better choice for that task. He's good at area denial (space control), defending CPs, but his biggest strength is keeping the enemies busy. When half the enemy team is desperately trying to kill him, then they are not defending their intel and not capping your intel. His teammates will have an easier job doing their respective tasks. Read More...</option>

<option>Constructors are usually a defensive class, but they can also be a great offensive asset is they build a "Constructor Nest" within enemy territory, like the intel room, or a locked enemy Control point. The Constructors only weaknesses are the Infiltrator, the Rocketman, and possibly the Rifleman. It is critical that you almost never build several Autoguns next to eachother. It ruins the whole area denial effect for other Constructors. If your trying to protect the intel, always put it in spots other Construtor's Autoguns cannot reach. And always use your shot gun to check around for Infiltrators, your Autogun is a sitting duck for Infiltrators.Read More...</option>

Gang Garrison News

Current Version
Version Changes
  • Fixed the wrong intel being returned by killboxes.

Wiki News

Oct 25, 2012
- Nothing much has happened recently, but feel free to keep helping out!

Featured Image

<choose> <option>The Overwieght
The Overweight
The Overweight, ready to chew up some enemies.</option> <option>The Runner
The Runner
"Can't catch me, knucklehead!"</option> <option>The Rocketman
The Rocketman
The Rocketman, prepared to gib them all.</option> <option>The Firebug
The Firebug
The only thing that he likes better than fire? MORE FIRE!</option> <option>The Detonator
The Detonator
"Just a little farther...." KABOOM!</option> <option>The Constructor
The Constructor
"Yes we can!"</option> <option>The Healer
The Healer
He may be a doctor, but he's not sworn to do no harm...</option> <option>The Rifleman
The Rifleman
"Straight between the eyes!"</option> <option>The Infiltrator
The Infiltrator
The infiltrator is cloak and dagger - Literally.</option>

External Links

Gang Garrison Official Website
Gang Garrison Forum
Follow Gang Garrison on Facebook
